Mediation is a common method of resolving personal injury cases in Florida, and with the rise of remote work and video conferencing technology, the use of Zoom for conducting mediations has become increasingly popular. Mediation of personal injury cases by Zoom in Florida follows a similar process to that of an in-person mediation, but with some additional considerations to ensure a successful remote mediation.

What Does a Successful Zoom Mediation Look Like?

zoom mediation in a Florida personal injury case | Florida Personal Injury LawyerHere is an overview of the general process for a successful mediation of a personal injury case by Zoom in Florida:

Pre-Mediation Preparation

The first step in preparing for a personal injury mediation by Zoom is to ensure that all parties have access to the necessary technology and equipment. This may include providing instructions on how to download the Zoom software, test the audio and video, and connect to the meeting.

It is also important to ensure that all parties have access to the necessary documents and evidence that will be used during the mediation session. Additionally, the mediator will typically review the facts of the case and determine whether any additional information or documentation is needed to prepare for the mediation session.

Mediation Introduction

Once the parties have all joined the Zoom video conference, the mediator will begin the mediation by introducing themselves and explaining the process for the session. This typically involves outlining the ground rules for the mediation and establishing expectations for how the session will be conducted.

The mediator will also typically explain the role of the mediator and emphasize the importance of confidentiality and neutrality in the mediation process.

Opening Statements

After the mediation introduction, the mediator will typically invite each party to make an opening statement. This is an opportunity for each party to share their perspective on the dispute and explain their goals for the mediation.

In a personal injury mediation, the parties may also discuss the nature and extent of the injuries sustained, the medical treatment received, and the impact of the injuries on the injured party's life.

Private Caucus Sessions

After the opening statements, the mediator will typically conduct private caucus sessions with each party. This involves meeting with each party separately, either in a separate Zoom breakout room or through a private chat within the Zoom meeting.

During these caucus sessions, the mediator will typically ask the parties questions and gather more information about their interests and goals for the mediation. The mediator may also use these sessions to help the parties identify potential areas of agreement and explore possible solutions to the dispute.

Negotiation & Settlement

Once the caucus sessions have been completed, the mediator will typically move into a negotiation phase of the mediation. This involves bringing the parties back together in the Zoom meeting and facilitating a discussion between them to explore potential settlement options.

In a personal injury case, the parties may negotiate the amount of compensation that will be paid to the injured party, taking into account the nature and extent of the injuries sustained, the medical treatment received, and the impact of the injuries on the injured party's life.

If the parties are able to reach a settlement agreement, the mediator will typically draft a written settlement agreement that outlines the terms of the agreement. The parties will then sign the agreement and the mediation will be concluded.

Post-Mediation Follow-Up

After the mediation session, the mediator may follow up with the parties to ensure that the settlement agreement is being implemented as planned. In some cases, the mediator may also conduct a follow-up mediation session to address any additional issues that arise after the settlement agreement has been signed.

What if a Zoom Mediation Ends in Impasse?

If a Zoom mediation ends in impasse, the process for determining next steps is similar to an in-person mediation that ends in impasse. The parties and the mediator will need to evaluate their options and determine the best course of action to move forward.

Here are some possible options for parties involved in a Zoom mediation that ends in impasse:

Resume Mediation

The parties may choose to resume the Zoom mediation at a later date, either with the same mediator or with a different mediator. This may be particularly useful if there was progress made in the first mediation session, but the parties were unable to reach a final agreement. The mediator may also offer suggestions for how to prepare for a subsequent mediation session.

Pursue Other Forms of Dispute Resolution

If the Zoom mediation is unsuccessful, the parties may choose to pursue other forms of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or litigation. This may involve filing a lawsuit or submitting the case to an arbitrator for a binding decision.

Explore Collaborative Law

Collaborative law is a method of dispute resolution in which the parties work together, along with their attorneys, to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. This can be particularly useful in cases where the parties are seeking to preserve their relationship or avoid the adversarial nature of litigation.

Settlement Negotiation

The parties may choose to continue negotiations outside of the Zoom mediation setting, either with or without the assistance of their attorneys. This can allow the parties to further explore their interests and goals, and potentially reach a settlement agreement without the help of a mediator.

It is important for the parties and the mediator to carefully evaluate the reasons for the impasse and determine the best course of action to move forward. The mediator may provide feedback on the reasons for the impasse and offer suggestions for how to move forward. By carefully considering their options, the parties can determine the most effective way to resolve the dispute and reach a mutually agreeable solution.

What Are the Benefits of Mediating by Zoom?

Mediating by Zoom offers many benefits over traditional in-person mediation, including:


Zoom mediation allows parties to participate in the mediation session from anywhere with an internet connection. This can reduce the need for travel and make scheduling more flexible, which can be particularly useful for parties who are located far apart or have busy schedules.

Reduced Costs

By eliminating the need for travel, Zoom mediation can reduce costs for all parties involved in the mediation, including travel expenses, lodging, and meals.

Increased Efficiency

Zoom mediation can be more efficient than in-person mediation because it allows for easier document sharing and collaboration. Parties can also easily review evidence or documents during the mediation session using Zoom's screen sharing feature.

More Privacy

Zoom mediation can be conducted in a private location, which can help to protect the privacy of the parties involved in the dispute.

Environmental Impact

By reducing the need for travel, Zoom mediation can help to reduce the carbon footprint of the mediation process, which can have a positive impact on the environment.

Overall, Zoom mediation offers many benefits to parties involved in a dispute. It can be a convenient, cost-effective, and efficient way to resolve disputes and reach mutually agreeable solutions. With careful planning and attention to the specific needs of the dispute, mediation by Zoom can be a highly effective alternative to traditional in-person mediation.

Charles Buist
Helping Florida residents injured in car accidents, hurt due to negligent security, wrongful death and more.