Theme Park Accidents & Your Legal Rights | Florida Amusement Park Accident LawyerTheme park accidents in Orlando, while relatively rare, can have severe consequences for those involved. This article provides an in-depth exploration of theme park accidents, exploring their causes and implications to better understand the risks associated with amusement parks.

We will begin by discussing notable theme park accidents that have occurred in recent history, shedding light on the potential dangers associated with amusement parks. Following this, we will examine amusement ride injury statistics to illustrate the prevalence and impact of these incidents.

Furthermore, we will explore common injuries sustained from theme park accidents and identify leading causes behind them. The role of regulation and inspection in ensuring safety at theme parks is also an important aspect that we'll cover.

Lastly, knowing what steps to take after experiencing a theme park accident is crucial for anyone affected by such an event; hence we'll outline essential actions one should undertake following an incident.

Statistics for Theme Park Accidents

According to the latest ride safety report from the National Safety Council for IAAPA, North American theme parks experienced approximately 130 significant injuries related to rides in 2021. These injuries encompassed both fatalities and cases requiring hospitalization for over 24 hours due to reasons beyond mere observation. The same year, there were 42,915 people killed in motor vehicle accidents, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

According to IAAPA, the chances of sustaining a serious injury on a theme park ride are estimated to be 1 in 15.5 million. This statistic highlights the remarkably low risk associated with enjoying attractions at theme parks. 

However, keep in mind that, although there are many more vehicle fatalities than theme park accidents, a lot more people ride in motor vehicles every year than get on theme park rides. 

Common Types of Injuries Suffered from Theme Park Accidents

Injuries resulting from theme park accidents can have severe and lasting consequences, so it is essential to be aware of the common types that may occur. Understanding the common types of injuries suffered during these incidents is crucial for both prevention and appropriate medical response.

Head, Neck, and Back Traumas

Rides that involve sudden jerks or high-speed movements can cause head, neck, and back injuries. Whiplash is one such example where the rapid acceleration and deceleration experienced by passengers riding roller coasters or other fast-paced attractions can lead to strains in muscles, ligaments, and tendons surrounding the spine. Sudden jolting movements to the head or impact to the head can also cause traumatic brain injury.

Lacerations and Broken Bones

Falls or collisions can often result in lacerations or broken bones during theme park accidents. Crashes on bumper car rides or falls from a height on a rollercoaster can lead to these types of injuries. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention for any deep cuts to prevent infection and for broken bones to ensure appropriate treatment and healing.

Drowning and Near-Drowning Incidents

Water-themed attractions, such as wave pools and water slides, can pose risks of drowning or near-drowning incidents, especially for non-swimmers or weak swimmers. Despite the presence of lifeguards, the high number of attendees and the nature of these attractions can sometimes lead to dangerous situations. These incidents can result in severe respiratory issues or, in worst-case scenarios, fatal outcomes.

Common Causes of Theme Park Accidents and Fatalities

Understanding the primary factors contributing to amusement park injuries and fatalities is crucial for preventing such incidents. There are several common reasons for amusement park incidents and fatalities, which we will look into more below.

Mechanical Failures

Rides like roller coasters and freefall attractions rely on complex machinery to operate safely. Mechanical failure of these rides or their components can lead to severe accidents. For example, a malfunction in the restraint system can result in passengers falling from great heights.

Operator Errors

The safety of amusement park visitors also depends on the vigilance and competence of ride operators. Negligence or lack of proper training may cause them to overlook critical safety precautions, putting riders at risk. 

Design Flaws

In some cases, inherent design flaws in attractions can pose hazards for guests enjoying rides like roller coasters or water slides at parks. These issues might not be apparent until after one or more incidents occur.

Inadequate Maintenance Procedures

Poor maintenance practices contribute significantly to theme park accidents by allowing equipment degradation over time. Attractions like roller coasters and lap bars require regular inspection and upkeep to ensure their safe operation. Failing to adhere to proper maintenance procedures can result in dangerous conditions for passengers riding these attractions.

In order to prevent theme park accidents, it is crucial that theme parks address these leading causes by ensuring proper design, maintenance, and operator training. This will help create a safer environment for visitors seeking enjoyable rides at amusement parks worldwide.

Regulation and Inspection of Theme Parks

The importance of regulation and inspection for theme parks cannot be overstated, as these measures are crucial in ensuring visitor safety. In Florida, the Department of Agriculture is responsible for inspecting amusement park rides and carnivals. 

However, it's worth noting that Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World are exempt from these inspections due to their employment of over 1,000 individuals and maintenance of full-time inspectors on staff. These larger parks are responsible for doing their own inspections. 

By understanding the regulatory landscape surrounding theme park safety, visitors can have greater confidence in their enjoyment of these thrilling attractions while knowing that proper precautions are being taken to minimize risks. While accidents can still occur, it is important to remember that ride operators and park staff are trained to prioritize the safety of passengers. If they don't, they could potentially expose themselves to liability.

Consequences for Operators After Theme Park Accidents

When amusement park accidents or theme park accidents occur, operators may face significant legal consequences. Negligence may not be obvious after a death or injury at a theme park. However, documents and evidence obtained through an investigation of the case may reveal one or more ways in which park negligence led to an injury.

State and Local Investigation Processes Following Theme Park Accidents

The aftermath of an accident often involves thorough investigations by local authorities and regulatory agencies. These investigations aim to determine the cause of the accident and identify any violations or negligence on behalf of ride operators or amusement parks. In some cases, criminal charges may also be filed against those responsible for serious injuries or fatalities.

Potential Revocation of Permits Due to Safety Infractions

Violations of safety regulations or failure to maintain proper maintenance procedures can result in severe penalties such as fines and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the infraction. In addition to potential criminal charges, operators can also lose their licenses and permits required for running amusement rides. This can result in temporary closures until necessary improvements are made or permanent shutdowns if issues persist despite corrective actions taken by park management teams.

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawsuits

After theme park accidents, injured people often seek compensation through a personal injury claim. Similarly, families that lose a loved one in a theme park accident will often want to seek justice through a wrongful death claim. These legal claims can have a serious financial impact on a negligent park. 

Personal injury attorneys that handle amusement park accidents, can help victims hold negligent parties accountable through civil lawsuits and seek compensation for the victim's medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, among other damages incurred due to the accident.

What To Do After a Theme Park Accident

Experiencing an accident at an amusement park can be both physically and emotionally traumatic. Immediately after an accident, it is essential to take action for your safety and legal protection. Here are some essential actions you should take following a theme park accident:

Seek Medical Attention

Your health should always be the top priority. Even if you feel okay, it's essential to get medical help as soon as possible, since certain injuries may not present signs straight away. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications down the line.

Document Evidence and Contact Authorities

Gather evidence by taking photographs or videos of the scene, including any visible injuries sustained during the incident. If possible, obtain contact information from witnesses who can provide statements about what happened. Report the accident to theme park management and local authorities, ensuring that they document all relevant details.

Consult With an Amusement Park Injury Attorney

Contact an experienced personal injury attorney that handles premises liability cases involving amusement park, theme park, and water park negligence. They will guide you through every step of seeking compensation for your physical pain, emotional distress, medical expenses, and lost wages resulting from an accident at a park.

FAQs in Relation to Theme Park Accidents

Q1: What is the most common cause of amusement park accidents?

A1: The most common causes of amusement park accidents are operator negligence and mechanical failure. Mechanical failure can result from design flaws, manufacturing defects, or inadequate maintenance procedures. Operator errors can result from improper or inadequate training.

Q2: How common are theme park accidents?

A2: While theme park accidents are relatively rare compared to other activities, they still occur with some frequency. A study by the National Safety Council showed that there were 130 serious theme park accidents in 2021.

Q3: What are the most common amusement park injuries?

A3: The most prevalent types of injuries sustained during theme park accidents include head, neck, and back traumas; lacerations; broken bones; and traumatic brain injury or stroke due to high-speed forces on certain rides. Children tend to be disproportionately affected by these incidents as they may not meet height requirements or properly understand ride instructions.

Q4: What risks are commonly present in amusement parks?

A4: Risks commonly present in amusement parks include mechanical failures caused by design flaws or poor maintenance practices; operator errors such as improper ride operation or insufficient training; environmental factors like slippery surfaces after rainstorms; overcrowding leading to potential stampedes during evacuations; dangerous escalators or elevators; and inherent dangers associated with thrill-seeking attractions that push physical limits.

Charles Buist
Helping Florida residents injured in car accidents, hurt due to negligent security, wrongful death and more.