When seeking a Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney, it is crucial to find an experienced professional who understands the complexities of these cases. Dental malpractice can result in severe consequences for patients, including permanent nerve damage and complications from improper procedures such as root canal overfill or tooth extractions. Dental procedures can also cause the death of a loved one and result in a wrongful death lawsuit.

In this article, we will explore various types of dental injuries that may warrant legal action, such as inferior alveolar nerve damage and lingual nerve damage. We will also discuss the risks associated with tooth extractions and delve into factors contributing to implant-related nerve injuries.

Furthermore, we will emphasize the importance of securing skilled legal representation when pursuing a dental malpractice claim. By choosing the right Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney and understanding what to expect during the legal process, you can increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries.

Permanent Nerve Damage in Dental Malpractice

Dental malpractice can lead to severe and permanent injuries, including nerve damage. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, victims of dental negligence may seek the assistance of a qualified attorney to help them recover damages for their losses.

Inferior Alveolar Nerve Damage

The inferior alveolar nerve is responsible for sensation in the lower teeth and chin area. When this nerve is damaged during dental procedures such as extractions or implant placements, it can result in persistent pain, numbness, or tingling sensations. Patients experiencing these symptoms should consult with an experienced Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney who handles cases involving dental care providers.

Lingual Nerve Damage

Another common type of permanent nerve damage caused by dental malpractice involves the lingual nerve, which supplies sensation to the tongue and surrounding oral tissues. This type of injury often occurs during wisdom tooth extractions or other types of oral surgery performed by negligent dentists or oral surgeons.

If you have suffered from either inferior alveolar or lingual nerve damage due to a botched dental procedure, it is crucial that you take action immediately. Not only will seeking proper medical treatment be essential for your recovery process but also consulting with a knowledgeable Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney. Here are some steps you should consider taking if you believe you have suffered nerve damage, especially if the dentist that injured you is not addressing your nerve damage or is telling you that it will get better on its own:

  • Contact another dentist: Seek out a second opinion from another qualified professional who can assess your condition and recommend appropriate treatment options moving forward.
  • Document your symptoms: Keep a detailed record of any pain, numbness, or other sensations you experience following the procedure in question. This information will be invaluable when building your case against the negligent dental care provider responsible for causing your injuries.
  • Contact an attorney: Speak with a skilled Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice lawyer who can help you understand your legal rights and options under Florida law while guiding you through each step necessary towards obtaining fair compensation for damages suffered as a result of another's negligence during treatment processes themselves.
Key Takeaway: 

Dental malpractice can cause permanent nerve damage, such as inferior alveolar or lingual nerve damage. Victims should seek medical treatment and consult with a qualified Fort Lauderdale dental negligence attorney to recover damages for their losses. It is important to document symptoms and seek a second opinion from another dentist while building a case against the negligent dental care provider responsible for causing injuries.

Root Canal Overfill and Its Consequences

Dental malpractice can sometimes involve root canal overfill, a common cause of complications that may result in permanent nerve damage or other issues. Victims of root canal overfill in Fort Lauderdale should seek legal counsel from a skilled medical malpractice lawyer, specifically a dental lawyer, to assess if they have a viable dental negligence case. Each dental negligence case is unique, but with the right facts and a skilled dental lawyer, injured dental patients can bring a successful claim.

Causes of Root Canal Overfill

Root canal overfill is a common dental issue that can cause discomfort and lead to more serious oral health issues. Root canal overfill occurs when too much filling material is used after a root canal procedure, causing the area to be filled above the natural level of the tooth. There are multiple causes of root canal overfill, and some of these causes are listed below: 

  • Inadequate training: Dentists lacking proper education and experience in performing root canals might not be aware of the correct techniques, leading to overfilled root canals.
  • Negligence during treatment: Failure to properly measure the length of the tooth's roots or using inappropriate tools could contribute to overfills.
  • Excessive material: Excessive dental filling material, called "gutta percha," can expand beyond the apex of the root, causing an overfilled root canal.

Symptoms and Long-Term Effects of Root Canal Overfill

An improperly performed root canal procedure may lead to various symptoms such as persistent pain, swelling, infection, or even loss of function. If left untreated, these issues could potentially become chronic conditions requiring further medical intervention. Some long-term effects include:

  1. Nerve damage: Permanent nerve damage caused by dental care negligence during a root canal procedure might affect your ability to feel sensations like temperature changes or pressure on affected teeth.
  2. Infections: An untreated infection due to an overfilled root canal has the potential risk for spreading to other parts of the body, causing more severe health problems.
  3. Loss of tooth: In some cases, an overfilled root canal may result in the need for extraction and replacement with a dental implant or bridge.

If you suspect that your recent root canal procedure has caused complications due to potential negligence on behalf of your dentist or oral surgeon in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, it is crucial to seek legal advice from a skilled medical malpractice lawyer with a history of successfully handling dental negligence cases. A knowledgeable dental malpractice lawyer can assist injured dental patients in seeking recompense for their injuries and hold negligent dental health professionals accountable for their actions.

Key Takeaway: 

Causes of overfill include inadequate training, negligence during treatment, and poor quality materials. Long-term effects can include nerve damage, infections, and loss of tooth which may require further medical intervention if left untreated. Victims of root canal overfill in Fort Lauderdale should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine if they have sufficient evidence for compensation. 

Nerve Damage from Dental Implants

When dental implants are not placed or managed correctly, they can lead to significant injuries such as nerve damage within the patient's mouth. This type of negligence may occur during the initial implant procedure or in post-operative care and maintenance. If you experienced nerve damage as a result of incorrect implant placement or management in Fort Lauderdale, consulting with an experienced dental malpractice lawyer is essential.

Risks associated with implant procedures

  • Infection: Inadequate sterilization techniques can introduce bacteria into the surgical site, leading to infection and potential nerve damage.
  • Misaligned implants: Improper positioning of the dental implant may cause pressure on adjacent nerves, resulting in pain and possible permanent injury.
  • Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury: The IAN runs through the lower jawbone and provides sensation to your lower teeth; if damaged during an implant procedure, it can result in numbness or chronic pain.
  • Lingual nerve injury: Located near the tongue's base, this nerve controls taste sensations; its damage could lead to altered taste perception or even loss of taste entirely.

Legal options for affected patients

If you suspect that your dental care provider was negligent while performing a dental implant procedure resulting in lasting complications like persistent pain or numbness caused by injured nerves, it is essential that you take action promptly. The Florida dental malpractice statute imposes strict time limitations on medical malpractice claims - including those involving dentists - so do not hesitate to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who handles dental malpractice cases in Fort Lauderdale to discuss your legal rights and options. 

A skilled lawyer will help you gather the necessary evidence, establish liability, and seek compensation for your injuries. They can also help you hold dental health professionals accountable for negligent actions. 

Key Takeaway: 

Improper dental implant placement or management can lead to nerve damage, infection, misaligned implants, and lingual/IAN injury. If you have suffered from such negligence in Fort Lauderdale, consult with a Fort Lauderdale dental negligence attorney who handles these cases before it's too late to file a claim under Florida law. A skilled lawyer will help you gather evidence and seek compensation for your injuries caused by the dentist's negligence during the procedure or post-operative care.

Extractions Gone Wrong - Dentists Removing the Wrong Tooth

Dental extractions are a common procedure, but when dentists remove the wrong tooth, it can lead to serious consequences for patients. In Fort Lauderdale, victims of dental negligence may have grounds for legal action against those responsible based upon Florida law time limitations governing such claims. A Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney with experience in medical malpractice claims will assess whether there might be grounds for legal action against negligent dentists or oral surgeons.

Common Reasons Behind Wrongful Extractions

  • Miscommunication: A lack of clear communication between dental care providers and patients can result in extracting the incorrect tooth.
  • Inaccurate X-rays: Poor quality or misinterpreted x-ray images may cause confusion regarding which tooth needs extraction.
  • Clerical Errors: Mistakes in patient records or treatment plans could lead to an unnecessary extraction.
  • Negligence: Carelessness on behalf of the dentist or oral surgeon during procedures may contribute to wrongful extractions.

Steps After Discovering Incorrect Extraction

  1. Contact your dentist immediately: Notify your dental care provider about their mistake as soon as possible so they can address any complications that arise from removing the wrong tooth.
  2. Document everything. Request your medical records and keep them in a safe place because medical records are often the foundation of a successful claim. If these records are later altered improperly, it's helpful to have a copy of the originals to compare them to. 
  3.  Contact an attorney with experience in successfully handling dental negligence cases. Your lawyer can help guide you through the complexities of dental malpractice claims and work to get you the compensation you're entitled to. 

Nerve Damage from Tooth Extractions

The consequences associated with both physical and emotional pain after experiencing nerve damage caused by improper tooth extractions can be devastating. A skilled Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney will help victims recover damages through lawsuits against negligent dentists or oral surgeons responsible for causing nerve damage due to carelessness during dental treatment.

Types of Nerve Damage from Extractions

  • Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) Injury: This type of injury occurs when the IAN, which runs along the lower jaw, is damaged during a tooth extraction. Patients may suffer from numbness, tingling, or chronic pain in the affected area due to IAN injury.
  • Lingual Nerve Injury: The lingual nerve supplies sensation to the tongue and can be injured during an extraction procedure. Patients may experience difficulty speaking, swallowing, or tasting as a result of this injury.
  • Buccal Nerve Injury: Buccal nerves provide sensation to the cheek area and are also at risk for damage during extractions. Injuries here may cause numbness or discomfort on one side of the face.

Prevention and Post-operative Care

To minimize risks associated with nerve injuries from tooth extractions, it's essential that patients choose experienced dental professionals who follow proper protocols before, during, and after procedures. Some preventative measures include pre-surgical imaging like X-rays or CT or cone beam scans to identify potential complications beforehand; using gentle techniques while performing surgery; monitoring patient progress closely post-operation; offering appropriate medication management if necessary; and providing clear instructions for at-home care.

If you think your recent tooth extraction may have caused nerve harm, it is essential to seek medical advice straight away. A medical professional like an oral surgeon can help determine the extent of the injury and recommend appropriate treatment options. Additionally, contacting a Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney will ensure that your legal rights are protected as you seek compensation for any negligence on the part of your dentist or oral surgeon.

Key Takeaway: 

Nerve damage from extractions can result in physical and emotional pain, such as numbness, tingling, chronic pain, difficulty speaking or swallowing. To prevent nerve injuries during tooth extraction procedures, patients should choose experienced dental professionals who follow proper protocols before and after surgery. A Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney can help victims of nerve damage caused by improper tooth extractions recover damages through lawsuits against negligent dentists or oral surgeons. 

Legal Rights and Remedies in Dental Malpractice Cases

If you suspect that your recent dental procedure has caused lingering pain or other complications due to potential negligence on the part of your dentist or oral surgeon in the Fort Lauderdale area, it is important to know your legal rights under Florida law. A Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice lawyer can guide you through the process of seeking compensation for your injuries.

Statute of Limitations in Florida

In Florida, victims have a limited time frame within which they must file a lawsuit for dental malpractice. The statute of limitations is typically two years from the date of the injury or when the injury was discovered or should have been reasonably discovered with due diligence. It's crucial to consult an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible after discovering potential negligence to ensure compliance with these deadlines. Most dentists and dental professional carry malpractice insurance, and this can be very helpful in covering your losses, like medical bills and lost wages.

Proving Negligence and Establishing Liability

To successfully pursue a dental malpractice claim, victims must prove that their dentist, oral surgeon, or other dental professional breached their duty of care by providing substandard treatment resulting in harm. This involves establishing four the 4 key elements of negligence:

  • Duty: The existence of a professional relationship between the patient and healthcare provider, creating an obligation for competent care.
  • Breach: Evidence showing that this duty was breached by the dentist or dental professional, typically through expert testimony from another dental professional.
  • Causation: A direct link between the breach of duty and the injury sustained by the patient must be established.
  • Damages: The victim must have suffered actual harm (physical, emotional, or financial) as a result of this negligence.

A Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney will work diligently to gather evidence supporting your claim and help you navigate Florida's complex legal system in pursuit of fair compensation for your injuries.

Key Takeaway: 

If you suspect dental malpractice, it's important to know your legal rights under Florida law. An experienced Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney can guide you through the process of seeking compensation for your injuries by proving negligence and establishing liability. Victims have a limited time frame within which they must file a lawsuit for dental malpractice, so it's crucial to consult an attorney as soon as possible after discovering potential negligence.

FAQs in Relation to Fort Lauderdale Dental Malpractice Attorney

Q1: Can You Sue a Dentist for Malpractice in Florida?

A1: Yes, you can sue a dentist for malpractice in Florida if they have breached the standard of care and caused injury or harm. To establish dental malpractice, you must prove that the dentist owed a duty of care, failed to meet that standard, and directly caused your injuries as a result. Talk with a Fort Lauderdale dental malpractice attorney to determine if you have a viable claim.

Q2: What Is the Statute of Limitations for Dental Malpractice in Florida?

A2: In Florida, the statute of limitations for dental malpractice is two years from when the incident occurred or when it was discovered (or should have been discovered). However, there's an overall cap of four years from the date of occurrence regardless of discovery. This is called the statute of repose.

Q3: Can I Sue My Dentist for Causing Trigeminal Neuralgia?

A3: If your dentist's negligence led to trigeminal neuralgia, and if you can establish a causal link between the dentist's negligence and the neuropathic condition through expert testimony, you may have a viable claim. The key is to demonstrate that their actions fell below acceptable standards and directly resulted in your condition.

Q4: What Is Dental Negligence?

A4: Dental negligence refers to substandard treatment by dentists or other oral healthcare providers that results in harm or injury. This can include misdiagnosis, improper treatment techniques, failure to diagnose conditions promptly (think cancer), or accurately inform patients about risks associated with procedures.

Charles Buist
Helping Florida residents injured in car accidents, hurt due to negligent security, wrongful death and more.