Every year, children are injured or killed in school bus accidents. Although we think of school buses as big and safe, the reality is that many of them don’t have the safety equipment or seatbelts that we would expect. Many of these buses are quite dangerous.

Additionally, a careless or negligent school bus driver can put other drivers on the road at risk of serious injury or death. Not unlike other commercial vehicles and semi-trucks, school buses can cause serious damage in a crash.

If you or your loved one has been involved in a school bus accident in Florida, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, pain, suffering, and more. We offer free legal consultations, and we are happy to help you however we can.

The first step in pursuing a claim is a phone call, and a call to us is risk free to you. All you have to do to schedule your free consultation is call us at (321) 352-7588. Also, if you would rather schedule by email, you can contact us on our website.

How Many School Bus Accidents Are There Every Year in Florida?

ECan you bring a lawsuit after a school bus accident in florida?very year, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles compiles data regarding various types of vehicle accidents. Below are the total school bus accidents per year in Florida.

  • 2012: 2,481 School Bus Accidents
  • 2013: 2,826 School Bus Accidents
  • 2014: 2,950 School Bus Accidents
  • 2015: 3,002 School Bus Accidents
  • 2016: 3,392 School Bus Accidents
  • 2017: 3,193 School Bus Accidents
  • 2018: 3,175 School Bus Accidents
  • 2019: 3,314 School Bus Accidents
  • 2020: 1,674 School Bus Accidents
  • 2021: 2,701 School Bus Accidents

Who is Liable for a School Bus Accident?

Whenever there is an accident involving a school bus, school zone, or school activities, it’s critical to determine the potentially liable parties. Often times, this determination will require a thorough and prompt investigation by your attorney. It’s important to note that, while the school itself or a school employee may not be directly responsible for injuring you or your loved one, the school district may nevertheless be liable for the damage caused.

Can You Sue a School Bus Driver in Florida?

When a school bus driver acts negligently, carelessly, or recklessly and someone gets hurt as a result, you may be able to sue the school bus driver. Although many parties may be responsible for a school bus accident, the driver will often share a portion of the blame. However, other parties, like the school district or the bus company, may also be liable for negligent hiring or negligent retention of the careless bus driver.

Can You Sue a School Bus Company in Florida?

There are several legal theories under which a school bus company could be held liable for damaging or injuring others. For example, the school bus company may be held liable for negligent hiring or negligent retention. Additionally, the school bus company may be held liable if its policies and procedures were inadequate. One more way you may be able to hold a school bus company liable for injuries is where the company fails to properly maintain the school bus.

Bringing in an entity other than the driver can help you get the compensation you deserve. After all, the school bus driver will not likely have sufficient insurance or personal assets to cover your damages. The school bus company, on the other hand, may have more insurance coverage.

Why Should I Consider Hiring a School Bus Accident Lawyer?

As with any personal injury or wrongful death case, a school bus accident lawyer can help guide you to justice and ensure your rights are protected so that you and your family can get the compensation you deserve. A school bus accident case is going to be different than your typical automobile on automobile accident case. Namely, school bus accidents will involve more complex legal theories and insurance policies than a typical auto accident. An experienced school bus accident lawyer can help you in the following ways:

  • Perform an early investigation;
  • Gather and preserve valuable evidence;
  • Identify all potentially liable parties;
  • Keep the insurance company from minimizing your claim;
  • Build and implement an effective case strategy; and
  • Help you obtain maximum compensation for what you and your family have been through.

Have You or a Loved One Been Injured in a School Bus Accident in Florida?

If you or your loved one has been injured in a school bus accident, you should speak with an experienced school bus accident lawyer as soon as possible. You can contact us online, or you can call our Orlando, Florida office directly at (321) 352-7588 to schedule your free legal consultation.

We have at least one attorney licensed in South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina, as well as in Florida. Thus, if you’ve been injured in school bus accident in any of these states, we can help. Just give us a call. We’re here when you need us.